Wow! Look what Fredericktown, Missouri can do when it puts
its mind to solving a “problem.” Within hours of the offending issue of my
newspaper The Madison County Crier, radical activists organized to put
me out of business (as if you can put a labor of love out of business).
Advertisers and points of distribution were confronted, the newspaper itself
was vandalized, I received a few phone calls calling me an idiot, demands were made for an apology to the Killians both via
letters to the editor and telephone calls, and all in all a river of stenching
pus flowed on Facebook and Topix (a local message board) to the point where one
of the corporate media outlets in Cape Girardeau roused itself to schlepp up
and around town to “get the story.” In my experience, when corporate media gets involved they're often trying to divert you from something even more significant. I've racked my brains as to what that might be, and the only thing I can come up with is the Fredericktown Zoning Commission citizen survey sham.
Fredericktown's Zoning and Planning
Commission is putting together a 20-year plan. Now, everyone whose been involved in
anything civic over the years knows that when governments start “planning” odds
are 50-50 or better that something's going to get stolen right out from under
the nose of the people. In NYC when Bloomberg put together his Vision 20:20 plan
for the Manhattan waterfront, coincidentally bed bugs spread in the public
housing projects that ring the waterfront, surveillance cameras were installed in some housing projects and now there's a press to install surveillance cameras in the projects without them (for their own protection, naturally, based on the results of what else? a citizen survey!). It's common knowledge that apartments have been warehoused
for years (not rented out to new tenants when people left), and just watch how this "reform" effort plays out. The Manhattan real estate
interests would give their left nut for a chance to sell the waterfront again,
and Bloomberg, who thinks nothing of hijacking public lands and resources for
personal gain or just pleasure, let them know via his “plan” that the
waterfront boondoggle was on. Using the illusion of transparency and citizen
input, he diverts the energy and focus of interested citizens who are tricked
into feeling that they have been consulted and provided with an opportunity via
hearings and meetings to provide “input.” Meanwhile the world within the world
is turning.
In Fredericktown they don't go to that much trouble to get
community “buy-in.” Somebody designed a survey, not worth the paper it's
printed on, which nobody much knows about (the deadline has passed) to use as cover later to show that
the people were consulted; even a few high school seniors were cynically used
as decoration to show they “reached out to the youth.” They're relying on
“apathy,” a constant ingredient in any civic project in Fredericktown, which
the leaders have cultivated over the years by a variety of methods, most
especially boring people do death with meetings in airless, flourescent-lit
rooms, and starting a bunch of initiatives that never go anywhere. That's how the "leaders" do
it, like taking candy from a baby. (And does it come as any kind of surprise to
learn that one of the biggest decriers of the newspaper, a “leader” who has
been on Facebook admonishing the people who brought me to Fredericktown, is
also a mover and shaker on the Zoning Commission?)
So when it turns out that The Crier is not
just about decorating their efforts, but really is asserting itself as a
change vehicle, helping to empower people with critical thinking skills (asking
tough questions) its credibility must be destroyed. Enter the “disrespect”
brouhaha. But weirdly, it's not working this time, the people aren't allowing
themselves to be fooled and manipulated so easily. It's true that some people had a
big emotional reaction, but now that the outrage
has subsided they're not so quick to want to let go of The Crier it
turns out. And what is also becoming apparent even to the bullies and the bullied cowards who "support" them, if they win, they too lose; they lose the chance to find out what opportunities could come next that are bigger and better and bolder than anything they can conceive of from the heart of their limitations.
I can sense the deep and rising undercurrent of support, and
consequently am taking the following actions: I'm changing the publication
date from Wednesday to Friday (so that in future issues I have the option of
pointing out in a timely manner the things that the local corporate paper has
not pointed out); I am increasing circulation from 1,500 to 1,800; and I'm
expanding distribution outside of Frederictown while constricting it inside of
Fredericktown. The paper will only be available at a single outlet, where it
will be given out one copy at a time and is guaranteed not to be vandalized by
the very same adults who cluelessly wonder why their kids are so destructive
defacing the doors and stalls in public bathrooms, and the like.
So why did I call this blogpost “Checkmate?” Because at a
fundamental level the many people who don't carve the pie and never get to “participate” in the spoils
well know that if they allow either through inaction, inattention, or stubborn wrongheadedness the powers that be to go forward unchallenged with their 20-year rape
and pillage fest of the commonweal, that they will pretty much lose everything that's left to
lose, everything that's not already nailed down by those same "powers." So here we are. Fredericktown either shakes off its emotionalism-induced stupor and braces itself for
its much needed growth spurt with the support and guidance of the many voices
in their very own free alternative community newspaper, The Madison County
Crier, or it continues to die a slow and agonizing death, with the vultures gleefully
feeding off the carrion of the roadkill of the townspeople.
A final note to the business owners who have clandestinely
offered us money to keep The Crier going. Stand up and be counted,
otherwise your money is worthless to us, as worthless as your flattery. To
everyone else, especially those who wish to remain neutral (there is no such thing in this scenario), Find your own way to use your outrage to help you find your
courage, it's in there somewhere; locate it and then stick to it, with full
knowledge that we've already won.